Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011

My Week In Pictures

Hey sweeties,

another week has almost ended, it is really creepy how fast time goes by lately... and it has happened so much, have a look!

Now I can take my morning tea with me - in this cute thermos cup in shocking pink (^.^)

yum yum: carrot tartlet

could finally convince my mum to help me paying buying an overlock sewing machine. Love it so so much!

so of course, had to get some fabrics: purple gabardine with zipper, pretty check fabric and comfy bright viscose fabric (both on sale), some buttons for my knitted cardigan and gold chain for another project...

world's best chewing gum

recieved a postcard from Dahab in Egypt - makes me want to travel again...

owl mania caught me too - with this ring I've been drooling at for quite a long time and some earrings with it
both from Claire's

3 Kommentare:

  1. Ooooh, what a great week!
    I'd love to have an overlock sewing machine and that jewellery is to die for!

  2. thank you! I'm really happy, especially about the overlock (*.*)

  3. hihi, overlock FTW!
    herzliche Gratulation zum Familienzuwachs ^.-
    Stimorol sind wirklich die tollsten Kaugummis der Welt... aber in Deutschland gibts die ja nicht T.T
    zumindest hab ich die hier noch nirgends gesehen und meine Mitstudies kennen die auch nicht... O.o
    und echt, ich finds toll, wie viel Zeit du irgendwie hast... dass du neben dem Studium noch sooo viel machen kannst... stark ^_^
    Freue mich auf die Weihnachtsferien, wenn wir uns hoffentlich wiedersehen! <3
